Common Questions
As you consider this decision please look at these questions to help you understand the purpose and mission of Pine Vale.

Will I get to see my family if I come to Pine Vale?
Residents at Pine Vale begin with 15 minutes a week of scheduled phone time with their parent or guardian. This time increased as progress is made in the program. They are allowed to have unlimited mail to and from anyone approved by their parent or guardian. Parents and guardians are encouraged to participate in their child’s program and a complementary program of their own. This involvement will provide an opportunity for children to see their parent or guardian during family counseling, family visitation times, school functions, and doctor’s appointments. Children will also have the opportunity to earn time off-campus with their family or loved ones. This time away may be spent on vacations, special events, or just hanging out on the weekend with their loved ones.
How long will I be at Pine Vale?
Most residents will stay between nine months and two years, others will stay longer. The amount of time a resident spends at Pine Vale will depend on the circumstances surrounding their placement. It will also depend on how quickly one can work through the goals set during the admission process. Our intention is to help stabilize the family by working with both the family and the child. Sometimes the child will be stable before the home, and sometimes the home will be stable before the child. Along the way, both the parent/guardian and the child will be a part of the decision on when the best time will be depart. We do feel that it is best that a child stay until they have graduated from our program. Sometimes circumstances will require a resident to stay for an extended time after graduating. We do offer a graduate program for those residents which does not have a determined or expected end. The expectations of each case will be discussed prior to admission and reviewed with the resident and family/guardian on a regular basis.
What if I do not want to come to (stay at) Pine Vale?
People only change when the pain to stay the same is greater than the pain caused by the effort necessary to bring about real change.
The program at Pine Vale is often perceived as painful. It requires an honest evaluation of the cause of trauma in a family and a firm dedication to giving the attention necessary to begin healing those issues. This process takes time and sustained effort which many families are not willing to submit themselves. Ultimately a refusal to seek help will cause more pain and problems later.
It is kind of like the healing process of a broken arm. If left alone some healing will occur, but this will usually be imperfect and create other pain and problems later. The option is to have someone help set the break properly, create a stable environment around the break, and allow proper time for healing. After the break is properly healed, the cast is removed but the muscles will be weak. So efforts are then made to strengthen the muscles that were weakened during the trauma and during the time in recovery. Once this is done the regular usage of the arm may be restored slowly. The bone will possibly be stronger than before the break, but will certainly be stronger than if left to heal on its own.
Does placement have to be voluntary?
Yes. We believe the program at Pine Vale is designed to be of significant value to both the child and the family. We are here to help, but we cannot help a resident that has no desire to be here. Therefore, placement and discharge of a child are strictly voluntary. We expect our residents and their families to actively participate in the program. Parents and guardians place children at Pine Vale because there is a need for a change and they are willing to work for that change. It will not be easy but it will be worth it.
If we help to bear one another’s burden then we believe that each resident can leave Pine Vale better prepared to carry their own burden (Galatians 6:5) and to face the challenges that this life throws at everyone.